Are You Longing For (And Afraid of) Intimacy?

Hello Beautiful Human,

The longing for intimacy…It’s a profound human desire.  We all crave it.  And as deeply as we want it, we also have so many fears about it.

Let’s define intimacy first.  It’s become really common for people to refer to having sex as being intimate, but that’s not  how I’m defining intimate.

Real Intimacy isn’t the nakedness of the body, but the vulnerability of the heart.

This is why we run towards it and also run away from it.  Intimacy requires vulnerability and surrender.  It demands that we reveal ourselves to each other, naked, exposed, raw, real, honest.  It requires that we be willing TO BE SEEN – FULLY.

In November 2015 I did a TEDx talk entitled “The Intimacy of Tango.”

In it, I talk about how the PRACTICES of learning tango helped me heal from the worst break up of my life and brought me back home to myself and to opening my heart again.

But it’s not necessary to dance tango to do this.  While I love tango and have danced my whole life, the way that these practices were translating to an unspoken kind of healing for me, made me realize that there are simple yet powerful tools we can all use, even without dancing tango, to heal our lives, our broken hearts, our fears of intimacy, of being seen, of being vulnerable…and more.

With that in mind, I created a workshop to help everyone have access to these tools for healing this vital part of ourselves, and THERE’S NO DANCING INVOLVED.  So for those of you who may be thinking, “I can’t dance,” let that go.  No dancing is required or used in the workshop.

So watch the video, and read about the workshop and see if it appeals to you.  I’ll be teaching it as a 5-week series here in Los Angeles beginning in August.  I am also available to teach it ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD as a weekend intensive, so if you’re interested, PLEASE CONTACT ME to discuss details.

I know we are all bombarded with mail in our inbox and there’s so much on the internet about so many things.  I strive to keep things personal and to honor and respect your inbox, as if it were my own.  You all know my posts and e-mails are far less frequent than most who do what I do.  But then again, I don’t think there’s anyone doing what I do. 

If the video and/or workshop speak to you, please share it.  Someone you know may need what’s in it.  If we each become part of the chain of sharing what’s valuable, I believe the internet can be a powerful tool for spreading love and healing, instead of just being a black hole that sucks your time and your life away.

I appreciate you and your support of my work and my passion for being able to support you in your journey to living your life as an authentic, liberated and fully turned on version of you.

At the end of this post is a form and I would be most grateful to have your reply.  Your email is not required, as I hope it will invite you to respond.    I would deeply appreciate hearing from you.

With Love & Gratitude,

Gina Cloud