Are You In A Dysfunctional Relationship With Your Life Partner, Ladies? (Your Body!)

First of all, if you’re a man reading this and think it’s only for women ( I admit my title probably made you draw that conclusion), please keep reading.  While this post is aimed at women, I ALWAYS invite men to stay tuned to the conversations that women are having.

if you love women, want to learn more about them, and care about the women in your life, please read to the end AND SHARE this with them.  You’re also likely to end up thinking about and realizing more about the world INSIDE of women than you knew before.

I’m sick and tired of seeing the pain, unhappiness and depression in so many women around body issues.  It hurts my heart to hear the things most feel about how they look, the shape and size of their bodies and how it is all destroying women’s self-esteem collectively and globally.  Even very young girls are experiencing this panic around body image.  In the workshops I’ve taught with young girls, it’s alarming how much earlier their self-loathing is beginning.

If you have a daughter, please pay attention to this truth.

It makes me angry to know that most women define their worth by unreasonable and unattainable beauty standards and that most feel that once they age, or have a few extra pounds or some wrinkles, that they are no longer valuable.

Know this:  There is no pill or product or even surgery that will EVER make you feel good about yourself or love your body if you cannot make peace with it as your life partner. 

 Your body will never leave or abandon you.  It’s the one relationship you will always be in, no matter what.

Body image graphic

So many women spend time, money and mental energy on a multitude of appearance changing/enhancing products and services, chasing the “ideal” beauty standard, and yet inside you are always suffering because you are valuing yourself based on those superficial and external standards.

Not to mention that the pursuit of all that diverts your time, energy and attention away from your true value and worth.  It’s one of the most insidious ways that women are distracted from their power.

If we are too busy trying to perfect our outsides, we never get around to living and giving our power.

I want to ask you, what are you really saying about yourself and what do you really expect to gain when you promote yourself from the outside? When it’s all about what you look like and you keep shape shifting to conform to someone else’s idea of beauty and sexiness, you live in terror of being seen as you really are.


Are you in a dysfunctional relationship with your life partner?  Do you talk shit about your partner all the time?  Are you afraid to share your partner with others?  Is your partner an embarrassment to you? Are you unkind and unloving to your partner?  Does your partner make you feel bad about yourself over all?  Follow the trail of relationship metaphors and you’ll  feel the truth of this in your bones!

You’ve been systematically brainwashed since you were a child. Your self-esteem and self-worth have been subliminally yet brutally taken from you.  From that unconscious place, you have no choice but to adopt the media-driven ideas of what makes a woman desirable and wanted.  It is from this place that our bodies and our sexuality become commodities. 

I’ve been asked often lately to teach and speak more about this and because this topic is at the root of so many of the self-worth struggles that women deal with, I know I MUST do more to help each and every one of you to find your way back to self-love instead of self-loathing. And your body is the portal for that healing.

If you live in other parts of the world or can’t make it, you can still sign up and get the recording.  It is a two-hour interactive webinar where I will be answering YOUR QUESTIONS for about 45 minutes in addition to all the information I’ll be providing.

I stand behind my wisdom and expertise and have been able to help many, many women over the last 25 years learn to love themselves from the inside out and to free them from the body and beauty prison of society, media and low self-esteem. It would truly be my honor and privilege to add you to the list.

This is NOT A FREE WEBINAR.  There’s free everywhere these days, but we pay more attention and invest more in ourselves when we actually invest our money in something.  AND YOU’RE WORTH YOUR OWN INVESTMENT!  It’s 47.00, and the value is beyond what I can express to you.  And there are no shortcuts!

I promise this interactive webinar  will change your relationship to your body by changing HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF.    Once you sign up you’ll get all the details on how to attend.  Again, if you can’t make it live, you can submit your questions to me and listen to the recording which will go out the day after the webinar.

And remember, this is interactive! I will answer your most pressing questions. It’s like free coaching.

I will be sharing 11 tools that you can start using IMMEDIATELY that will set you on a new course in your life, one that allows you to stop obsessing about how you look, worrying about what you weigh, or what your age is. In this webinar I will teach you how to change this so that you can LOVE the body you live in, and live a life where you’re truly empowered.

I live EVERY aspect of what I teach, so you are also getting the benefit of my life experience.

And one of the best parts is that what I will teach you will save you money and time. Guaranteed!! 

I am committed to making a difference in your life and helping women everywhere love themselves and their bodies, JUST AS THEY ARE.

This class will help you to disengage from the self-esteem destroying messages women receive from the media and the world at large, so you can begin to live an empowered, self-loving life. If you can’t love your body – as a power source, not for its appearance -then you can’t love your life.

In coaching women around body image and self-esteem, I’ve learned that it can be very painful to look inside the box where our pain and wounding lives around this topic.  It’s often a lifetime’s worth of self-neglect, self-loathing, low self-esteem or no self-esteem and feeling valueless.  Please consider taking a step to change this for yourself.    Please share this post with any women you feel would also benefit.

And guys, please share this with women you care about. And attend the webinar!  It will make you a more aware and compassionate man towards the women in your life.

I teach from my heart and would be honored to be able to make a bigger difference in your life.


Much love and gratitude,

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