Posts in Uncategorized
Ladies, Wake Up YOUR Sleeping Beauty and Stop Exploiting Yourselves

Ladies, it’s time to wake up YOUR Sleeping Beauty.  There is an unconscious part of us as women that actually engages in our own exploitation.  It is a form of mindlessness that we have absorbed since we were little girls…

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The Profound Wisdom And Vulnerability of the Vagina

As I begin this post, I can feel that it will be raw, visceral and deep. So grab your beverage of choice and sit with me in a place of no distraction.  This topic is important, for both women and men…

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A WEBINAR FOR MY LADIES: Your Menstrual Cycle as Teacher, Mentor and GPS Of Your Life

As some of you know, I’ve been WAY slow on catching up with technology and social media.   I’m an in-person kind of gal. Many of you have been asking me to do this for years, and finally I’ve surrendered (something I actually love…

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For The New Year...Let's All Put Our Bleeping Devices Down and Connect With Each Other!

I’ve been MIA for a bit, as many of you know.  I try to “play the game” and use the social media to “grow my business,” or to “help people find me,” but truth be told, I despise our methods of “connecting” as they exist in our modern…

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Lose your mind… And you'll find your heart

As I write this post, I am in Italy. I know you all haven’t seen any pictures of my vacation on Facebook, primarily because I do believe in having a private life in a world that has become a giant fishbowl for all to see, 24/7…

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How Much Self-Sabotaging Do You Do Through People Pleasing?

People pleasing, we all do it. Mostly women in my experience, but men do as well, mostly in the area of their relationships.  The “yes dear” syndrome Every time you are dishonest in order to appease someone else or…

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GinaCology Principle No. 2 - Part 2 Video

GinaCology Principle No. 2 is rooted in the idea that as women, we need to be intimate with ourselves both from a health perspective, as well as a sexuality perspective. This is so important, as the idea of intimacy, that of being…

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GinaCology Principle No. 2 - Part I Video

As promised, HERE IS THE NEXT VIDEO on my GinaCology Principles.  You can find all the principles written down HERE on my website. If you missed Principle No. 1, you can find it here on my blog or directly on…

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A Video Journey Through the Meaning of W.O.M.A.N.

I’ve found myself thinking a lot lately(more than usual I should say, as it’s always in my thoughts!) about the subject of feminine energy and being a woman, and having a lot of conversations with women and men about this, so it…

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GinaCology Principle No. 1: A Woman is Her Own Best Doctor

What’s GinaCology?  It’s my unique perspective on being a woman and my philosophy and psychology about life as a W.O.M.A.N.  Join me as we explore all things woman, including alternative health and wellness, sexuality, spirituality…

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