Gina Cloud
Gina Cloud is amazing!! She is so what I’m about. Women being in control of their lives and the way they can bring children into this world. I recommend this book to all women everywhere, especially mothers.



Chemically stopping our periods? Automatic medical intervention for young women having healthy childbirth? These are our options? This sounds like creepy science fiction, but it’s real and the woman who is leading a revolutionary call to arms for all the world’s women and girls on the front lines is Gina Cloud. Gina Cloud is doing work that the world needs. She is a pioneer at a time when we desperately need it. We have to get back to basics, back into our bodies, and W.O.M.A.N. is our user’s manual. This is vital, primary stuff here, people, told in a miraculously easy and funny way. A tool for men and women, boys and girls. Go women! GO GINA!

- Pamela Adlon, Actress, D.O.G (Disciple of Gina)

Gina Cloud is amazing!! She is so what I’m about. Women being in control of their lives and the way they can bring children into this world. I recommend this book to all women everywhere, especially mothers.

- Ricki Lake, Producer

Gina cloud innately posses wisdom and talents that are vital to the modern woman. She is able to evoke powers buried deep within today’s woman that will ensure Her future, and hence the survival of all.

- Daphne Wayans

Gina cloud is an amazing woman. She is tapped into source and embodies feminine wisdom in a profound way. Her deep knowledge, and life experience are a gift to any woman that chooses to have her as their guide. She is the real deal.

- Kute Blackson

W.O.M.A.N. is only one of the many gifts that Gina is continuously bringing to my life. Her eloquence is unlike any other, and it gives me the confidence to stand up for who I am, shout my truth, and release all that is within. She is utterly real in a world that lacks this quality, and for this I am forever grateful.

- Jasmine Rose, Student and avid listener

My work in the feminist anti-pornography has taken me onto many radio programs, answering questions from a wide range of people. Gina Cloud’s show W.O.M.A.N. is one of my favorites, where we go beyond sound bites to explore the issues that can be challenging but are so important. Gina isn’t afraid to confront the questions we need to be asking.

- Robert Jensen, University of Texas at Austin, author of Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity

Gina Cloud is a prolific and amazing woman who places the feminine word and action back into the male/female environment with the gracefulness and ease with which she delivers her message. Gina brings her message with warmth and dignity to both women and men, and really understands the feelings of both genders.

- Cameron Steele, owner of Contact Talk Radio Network

Thank you again for your invaluable work, Gina. What you do for women is so powerful—the world needs you to continue to have the audacity to be who you are. The world needs you. Your teachings have changed me, opened and healed me in a way like no other way ever has. Thank you. I love you.

- Brigette Secard, author of Soulfire

Gina Cloud demonstrates in her life and her teachings that you can dance your own path. You don’t have to do what you’re told or play by rules that you did not write. She carries in herself an authentic, creative, individual womanhood. Her passionate, fierce, and playful engagement with life inspires us all—women and men—to be true to our unique and divine nature.

- Tim Ward, author of Savage Breast: One Man’s Search for the Goddess

What does it mean to be a spiritually powerful being? More specifically, what does it mean to be conscious of our spiritual strength on a consistent basis, as women? Because I am a woman and a spiritually aware being, this question is significant. However, it should be equally significant to men. Gina Cloud is the woman who helps both men and women answer those questions. W.O.M.A.N. is dedicated to bringing the Divine Feminine and Her qualities into society at large. Her activist work coupled with her deep, gentle sensitivity and open heart is the power behind a revolution.

- Giuditta Tornetta, author of Painless Childbirth: An Empowering Journey through Pregnancy and Birth.

Gina has an extraordinary gift of bringing the “sacred” back to young girls and women’s issues, such as body development, menstruation, sex and sexuality, speaking one’s truth, and knowing firmly how to assert one’s boundaries. She covers them with such passion and in a way that traditional educators barely touch. She embodies this sacred wisdom and role models it for all to benefit from. She peels away cultural influences such as the sexualization of women and reveals the true honoring of our bodies and their sacred cycles. Girls and women alike come away empowered and remembering their true nature.

- Marion Mayer, R.N., M.S., N.P.

Gina has been a gift in every way, and serves for me as a living, breathing, shining example of what living from a place of absolute female power looks like—that rich, deep, nectar-filled life that she so lovingly and enthusiastically advocates. She exudes the spectrum of gifts inherent in all women: grace, wisdom, depth, beauty, creativity, wildness, vitality, sensuality, connectedness, and love. She has served as a beautiful catalyst in helping me and others to shed our wool cloaks, come out of hiding, and allow our femininity to reign supreme! Gina’s knowledge, open-mindedness, dedication, and love for her work is a gift to humanity…one I hope to be enjoyed by women (and men) everywhere.

- Shellialex, client and avid listener

Gina Cloud passionately guides you through an exploration of biology, psychology, and spirituality in order to understand the interconnection between what lies within yourself and what lies outside in nature. As a vocalist, my whole body is my instrument. I have to be aware, I have to listen to and understand the language of my body and the cyclical phases it goes through each month—like the phases of the moon! I have to work with my body as opposed to curse at it because I don’t fully understand what it’s telling me, and that’s what Gina helps you translate.

- Leah Duors, musician and avid listener (UK)

While her focus is geared towards women, even men (such as myself) can learn greatly from Gina Cloud’s teachings. Working from the inside out, her focus is enhancing the soul. Even greater is that she teaches how to take care of the outside as well, not by adding to or taking away from, but by magnifying and accentuating true beauty.

- The Immaculate CJ Miller, U.S. Air Force (Japan)

In four weeks of working with Gina, I finally got in touch with the real W.O.M.A.N.. in me and cleared stuck feelings that fifteen years of therapy never touched. I am forever grateful to Gina for passionately guiding me through my own created “muck” in order for me to feel a sense of freedom that I now enjoy everyday in my life. She brought me to a higher level of self-awareness I had never experienced before. I am in deep gratitude for her stand for me and my life.

- L Joiner, Client

I believe that Gina’s work will make a lasting impact on women in our modern society. They will be able to express themselves at a more genuine level now because they have been made aware of themselves as women and the role that is imposed upon them by society. So this work is of utmost importance for all women who wish to break free from the media constructed images of women.

- L. Petersen, avid male listener and coaching client (Denmark)

Gina Cloud opened the door to into womanhood for my daughter. She guided her, along with a group of her peers, to openly, honestly, and lovingly embracing who they were becoming as young women. She took away the mystery and the fear. She made it exciting and empowering. And just in time!

- Risa Bramon García, mother of workshop attendee

I’ve been waiting for Gina Cloud’s re-delivery of this sacred information since I got my first period!

- Jacquie Jordan, Emmy nominated TV producer, author of Get on TV! and founder of

“Gina is a bright spirit—an “old soul” whose love for her fellow human beings, keen intelligence and integrity shines through what she says and does. On her radio show, Gina asks probing questions and gets the answers she is looking for while always staying quietly focused. She brings out the best in people because she gives her best—a woman of substance who is making a difference.”

- Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center

Gina Cloud has both feet planted firmly in the 21st century. Being in touch with herself gives her an opportunity to be in touch with women without pretending to speak for them. As a man reading Gina Cloud, she speaks TO women. She does not pretend to be a spokesperson, but rather someone who will give other women something to think about, and through that improve their own lives. In an era when so many of the world’s religions exist on a foundation of controlling women, controlling their sexuality, and trying to control their very essence, Gina Cloud preaches freedom: freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom to explore their own sexuality on their own terms. This book is enlightening for both men and women.

- Jeff Wald, producer

Gina Cloud has reminded me of what it is to be a woman in every way. As a feisty independent woman she identifies with the pressures of today and through her careful words she will ignite a passion for us to become all the woman we can be. With incredible intuition she profoundly speaks to us all.”

- Miranda Summers, avid listener, artist (Australia)

Gina’s writing will stir up your female soul. Her work with W.O.M.A.N. includes “W for Wild,” which is a great read if you’ve been wondering where your passion and fire have gone, and “O for Open,” which puts us in touch with the walls we build around our hearts and gives us some encouragement to open up to life. I must tell you, just reading the “W” chapter made my ovaries shimmy!

- Shemiran Ibrahim, founder of Belly Dance, Womanhood & Everything in Between (Australia)


Gina, I can honestly say you’re a very good speaker. I like the way you think and speak what’s on your mind. I really enjoyed your presentation and the way you speak about girls/women and the power that we have. You’re a great role model. You’ve influenced me to really think about many of the choices I make. Thank You,

- Sandra Rodriguez

Hello, I really enjoyed your talk, I love everything you believe in and what you stand up for. The way you show your emotion while your giving a talk. I like that. And I like that you said that there’s always one thing that someone says that sticks with you. For me that would be what you said “one person can make a difference in the world.” I also love the way that you treasure women and our period!

- Sarah Pinelo

You are an influential speaker. You empower women to be proud of what their bodies go through. Today there is a pill to fix everything, but pills are not required. Accept and understand who you are and know your weaknesses and strengths.

- Rosalyn Son

I would like to show my deepest gratitude for all the advice you gave us. Furthermore, I enjoyed all of your conversation and I am pleased to know that there are women like you in this world. Besides being so beautiful and a great person I feel good when I see people like you motivating others to better themselves. The theme that I enjoyed the most was regarding the menstrual cycle.

- Maria Hernandez

I loved your presentation!! You were very inspiring and empowering. You are a great role model. You came across as a very focused and self-empowered woman. You really inspired me to find my inner beauty and strength and to achieve all my dreams. I feel honored to have met you and feel very proud of everything you represent. The first thing I did that afternoon was to download all of your episodes on my Ipod. I am waiting for your book to arrive and I am contemplating on buying a book and a journal for every important woman in my life. I was wise enough to write seven pages worth of notes and I read them to myself every time I lose sight of the important things in my life. Thank you for teaching us to celebrate our femininity!!!!! You are a person I hope to hear from for many many years to come.
Thank you,

- Silvia Anguiano

Going into the first coaching session with Gina, I was a bit unsure about what to expect. Sure, I was intrigued about her work, but would a Skype session with a woman sitting across the oceans really help me? The answer is a resounding YES. I must say, that this has been a very safe, interesting and rewarding journey so far. Gina has been extremely good at creating a safe environment for me to explore, express and accept myself. This has been especially important for me as a man, because I am not used to sharing deep emotional issues with other people. Not that you should expect Gina to sugarcoat things or to babysit you. She is not like that. But expect her to use all her skills, passion and empathy to help you help yourself. Often she uses her sense of intuition to cut to the heart of the matter in short time. Her observations, suggestions and exercises are simply spot on, giving me lots of ’aha-moments’. Being no stranger to self-help and even therapy, I must say that this is by far the deepest work I have ever done. As a man I would heartily recommend working with Gina.

- L. Petersen, (Denmark)

Gina, I really enjoyed listening to you talk, you are very inspiring and not to mention a very beautiful woman. I must say the one thing that really stuck with me was that you said that we should really find happiness in what we choose to do. This has really made me think twice about my career choice. And has motivated me to do further research and soul searching before my next career step. I am also planning on tracking my menstrual period, I found it interesting. I’ll keep you up to date with my results and thoughts about it. Thanks again,

- Janette Barrera

Gina Cloud is a wisdom holder of the feminine arts. She is a sacred keeper of feminine knowledge.Born gifted and aware of understanding WOMAN on this planet and how to offer support and guidance through personal sessions, workshops and meditations.Her heart is invested in service, you can feel her love and commitment with supporting woman and men in understanding the path of the feminine in us all. She is a gift to humanity, she walks a true path of heart and discovery. A mother, a lover, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a woman who understands and lives many roles and brings this level of humanity to her work. There truly are no words to describe Gina Cloud, she is one of a kind, a true healer and an authentic human walking a courageous path bringing the wisdom of her journey to her work.I trust her whole heartedly and have found true support and guidance through knowing HER.

- C. Afentoulis

I am so lucky to have come across Gina. From the moment I met her, I felt her fullness, her woman-ness and her love. Her guided process brought me to a deeper connection with myself I had never experienced before and it still resonates strongly within me. Her technique is truly unique and something that can only be experienced. I am forever grateful to her for opening me up to my “womanhood” and for reclaiming my life.

- D. Chen

Gina Cloud is a goddess of a woman. I was experiencing some pretty significant feminine issues including severe PMS with irregularity, extreme fatigue, pain and heavy blood flow that prevented me from living fully for at least three days. She invited me to a guided healing session with her and since then my cycle has been regular, pain free and normal flow without fatigue. I was able to fully function through out my entire cycle. Her guided meditation totally ROCKED my world and I am forever GRATEFUL for Gina and her gifts. So much love!

- Kristina Italic

There is a language most people don’t speak. They were simple just never taught some don’t even know it exits. The language is of the body. Our bodies speak to us every day. I was given The privilege and the gift of learning how to understand my bodies messages. Gina taught me with so much love and sensitivity and has guided me through my womanhood from such a young age till today as a young married woman I still call Gina with all of my questions. She listens with a full heart and shows me all my options. I started going to this workshop once a month when I was about 11 years old. Once a month on a Sunday afternoon we would get together the same group of girls for a few hours in a safe comfortable and warm environment .We would discuss things that would be coming up in our life. Anything from food ,clothing ,health ,make up. Gina gave me a gift most girls don’t get I got the gift of having the comfort and confidence with a body and even socially. After about a year of going to our monthly get-togethers, we had an all women’s weekend retreat in the beautiful Pacific Palisades mountains. At the end of the retreat we invited our families to join us for the ceremony ……I was ready to become a young women. I was so excited to start my journey. Until this day I carry everything Gina has taught me.

- Chantal N.