Sisterhood - Getting High Off Of Our Connections With Other Women


The other day I was working out at my gym just doing my usual cardio routine when I was fortunate enough to have an accidental connection with a woman who got onto the elliptical next to me. She had accidentally clunked one of the rollers off of the groove and was trying to figure out what happened and in a collective problem solving moment, we figured out what was wrong.

She said thank you, and we started to chat. First it was politics, then the awful new decor at the gym. And then, as almost any conversation I am having with a stranger goes, it turned to just life. We opened up to each other about spiritual things, political beliefs, challenged childhoods and how they affect your life, and we just began to have this very animated, connected, instantaneous bond. We literally talked for an hour.

When we both got off of the equipment and were lying on the floor doing some abdominals, she looked at me and said, "God you can get high off of people!" And I smiled, because this made me realize how much I do love connecting with other human beings, but then I said to her, "You know. this is really a woman thing." I said I had lots of men friends that I have great conversations with, but this kind of bonding, sisterhood, truly exposed kind of connection only happens between women, women who are willing to share and to open to each other.

I realized when she said that we can get high off people, that I did feel very alive in that moment from the connection we had forged over the past hour of bonding while working out. We had also been talking about how devoid of female energy our world is and how it's becoming more and more masculine in its pace, energy, frequency and ideas.

So of course that's venturing into my very favorite topic, which just made us even more animated in our dialogue . I love it when I can engage with another woman or women on the topic of why the world needs women to be women, not men. It inspires me to talk about it and inspires the women I'm talking to. That's when we get high off each other!

When women find an inspiring topic, something that we feel passionate about and we share it with other women, especially with the intention to be of service, we can truly heal each other I believe, and change the world! When we ban together for a cause, women are UNSTOPPABLE!

We even had discussion at one point in our mutual disgust at "how things are," (read my post about the way things are!) and she expressed her feeling of "What can I do? It's hard to make a difference." There was such inspiration going back and forth between each other. I truly believe there were endorphins being generated in our exchange, which is why she made the comment about getting high off of people.

All it takes is being open and willing and real and authentic. All it takes is putting down your phone and looking into the eyes of a fellow woman, smiling and saying hello. All it takes is a genuine caring connection with another human being. It is effortless. But we as women do this in a way that men don't. And we do it with each other in such a beautiful way.

I live in Los Angeles and there a lot of fake "I love you people, let's get together, " seeming caring, that is just superficial. I'm not talking about any of that, and we all know the difference. This woman and I had genuine connection that we both availed ourselves of, shared with each other and because of this, we inspired each other, and literally got high off of connecting.

As women, we are such communal creatures. But this world that we live in, this ultra masculine frequency, energy, and pace, does not allow us to remember this, to experience this, to explore it, without being extremely conscious of the fact that it is nowhere to be found and if we want to experience it, we must generate it ourselves.

How? Just the way it happens organically, speaking to a woman that is next to you. Not sizing her up for her appearance or her attire or comparing yourself to her, but opening to the genuine sisterhood that is all around us, available to us, if we would only open ourselves to it. It is truly easy to start a conversation about almost anything. And one thing does lead to another with us women. And quickly. LOL.

If I see a woman who is sad, or looks like they've had a bad day. I might compliment her on something, or I might honestly say something like, "Has your day been that bad?" It opens up a genuine door of compassion and connection that we can choose to step through with each other, and if nothing else, you've simply done a kindness by acknowledging that woman. And ladies, we all know that acknowledgment is something we just don't get enough of in our lives.

We are powerful, beauty-filled forces of feminine nature, and when we ban together to share ANYTHING, we open the door to EVERYTHING. Talk to as many women in your day as you can. Smile at those you can't speak to, and offer your heart to your sisters through your words and smiles. I have made so many wonderful women friends just by living my life this way.

We are all yearning to feel the feminine all around us, enfolding us, embracing us, sustaining us. We long for it because it's been almost completely removed from our world. But where two or three, or more women gather in their feminine energy, there is an exponential increase in that energy in our world. One by one, joining hands and hearts with our sisters, we can heal this planet. This, I believe with all my heart.

So try it. See where it leads you. And take the time DAILY to tune into your feminine self. Without constant access to this part of yourself, your life will be joyless, stressful and empty eventually. Women can't live in a masculine world devoid of the feminine. And if you need reminders, read my book. It's a quick read, but it will inspire you in your feminine essence.

We are exquisite!

Love and Blessings,

Gina Cloud

Rick Krusky