You Are The Key


Lately I find myself asking these questions: Am I giving enough? Am I doing enough? Where can I give my gifts more fully? What am I afraid of? How can I serve better? Where has my inspiration gone? Those are just a few, as I am literally the queen of questions, because I have learned in my journey that the questions are more important than the answers I find. The questions are the keys that lead me deep within to unlock the mysteries of my own being. And that is THE key: BEING. Just being me. I am the key. And you are your key.

Of late, I find myself so tired of typing, texting, e-mailing and writing in general, using my fingertips to communicate with people I hardly ever see, even the ones that I can. I’m tired of the constant verbal diarrhea of our information age, and that includes my own many times. Yes, I’m aware I’m using words here, but only because I want to communicate some things about how I do my work and where I’m headed.

As I pondered the question of where am I not giving enough, the answer came through an inspired moment.

I was feeling very stuck and overwhelmed by being back in Los Angeles. Some of you know that I have been living in Europe and I’m attempting to establish residency there, which I was denied on my first round, so I had to leave and can return to try again in 90 days.

So here I am in Los Angeles again, which has brought a kind of stress that feels new to me, even though I had lived here my entire life, minus 5 years. I realized that I used to have this kind of armor to shield myself from the intensity of this city, but in wearing that armor, it was also shutting me down and causing me to contract. While I’m here this time, I refuse to let that happen. No coping armor, and no closing down. I’m intending to stay open and face what is in front of me without allowing it to close me again. This is no small task.

So as I was feeling this stuckness and stress the other day, I decided to use one of my private tools: Dance. But a kind I do in private, just for me. I wanted to release the stress and contraction and try to feel me again.

As I scrolled through my Spodify music, Damian Marley spoke to me and I began to dance for myself only. In the process of doing that, I heard a voice inside me, one I am very familiar with every day, my inner wisdom/intuition/creative liaison say to me: “record it and post it. ” To which I replied “no way, this is my private space, I don’t share this with other people!” And that voice said to me one word: “PRECISELY!”

In that moment I realized that what I am withholding is one of my gifts that is meant to be shared. It is a gift that allows my physical body to be used as a channel for spirit through music. I have found myself lacking in inspiration lately. And I couldn’t bring myself to just make up something to share with you all. This was a clear message that I need to become even MORE vulnerable and share more of who I am, in my being and my essence with others.

I learned a long time ago that when I dance this way, I do transmit healing and information to others. And while I’ve danced my whole life, socially and performing, no one has seen this part of me publicly. I’ve kept it private.

As I surrendered to the idea of recording and posting my dance, I said to myself “enough with the withholding, Gina. Step into what is not so comfortable BECAUSE it is so personal.”

I have already posted one video, here on this page, and I’m intending to do more. Dancing this way feeds my own soul and is a divine communion for me with pure spirit. It is a mystical experience.

The whole world loves music. It unites us all regardless of culture or language. So I am going to share myself in a bigger way with all of you, and step deeper into the vulnerability that I am known for. But it’s time for me to really stretch myself.

I haven’t really felt like communicating with words and It’s been ages since I’ve written a new post. So in this post, I want to let you know that I’m taking a turn in another direction and I don’t know where it’s leading me. All I know is that I am meant to share it with all of you.

If there is any song that moves your soul that you would like me to dance to in service to your healing or opening, simply PM me on FaceBook or CONTACT ME HERE. Send me a link to the song or let me know the artist and song, and write a few sentences about what you’re struggling with/trying to heal/wanting to create/where you’re stuck. It will be anonymous so I won’t reveal who you are, but I will use this gift in the hope that I transmit love and healing to all of you through the wisdom of my body. That has always been a teaching of my work, and I’ve always said the most important things I’ve learned in my life, I learned through my body.

I’m sure that one day soon (or not) my inspiration for writing and talking will return. And I am still doing my coaching work and have stepped in in a big way working with men. And for now I’m also being used for something else. I have always trusted that inner voice and listen to Her without question, so as it asks me now to just dance, to use myself to share and give and serve others, I have to listen.

Know that when I dance, it is not choreographed or pre-planned in any way. I simply put the music on and allow it to dance through me.

Please let me know if this offering from my heart touches yours and if I can be of service to you.

So for now, fewer words. Except for the ones that speak to you through my dance , and this offering from my heart to yours.

I’ve done my work in various ways over the last 18 years, and I want to honor the integrity of that work, even if the path deviates from what has been established. I do trust that the work itself knows better than I do the way to reach you all. This by no means invalidates all the work that I have done so far. In fact, it should strengthen your faith in me because I am truly willing to trust and listen and serve. Everything that I have ever done in my work has come from sharing my wisdom and a desire to give. This challenge for me now is another level, because it’s asking me to share more personally and I have been quite private in my life.

So share with me what you’d like to see me dance to with you and for you. And if you don’t feel like it, just receive what I offer

Also, if anyone is interested in having me do this experience live with a group, just reach out to me and we can discuss details. This for me is my art, High Art, as it comes through my heart and is quite mystical in what I experience and what I believe is transmitted to you.

So I leave you with these words, and as I speak them for myself, I also transmit them to you: It’s time to give ALL out. No more holding back or withholding what I/you have to give and share. Empty your heart to each other, give it all. And I will dance mine empty for you.

YOU are the Key that unlocks your life.


With love & Gratitude,

Gina Cloud