Wanna Get REALLY Turned On?


I’ll bet that post title made you think that this was going to be about something sexually explicit and juicy.  Sorry to disappoint if that’s the case.  But if you’re looking for something explicit about how to really get turned on AS YOU, then by all means, keep reading. And there’s likely to be a bit related to your sexuality as well. 

I had an experience recently that inspired me to write this post.  Everything I write has to be 100% inspired.  I don’t sit and think about what to write, it literally comes through me and I have to just deliver it. A lot of you follow my work and know my posts can be very long, so you may want to scroll down and see if you’re up for it, because I don’t even know as I write these words how long this post will be!

If you scroll down and think, “whoa, too much,” I invite you to just see if you’re getting a little nudge from somewhere inside you to hang in there. If you are, please listen to that voice, as that is a large part of what this post is actually about.

My inspiration for this post came as a result of an incredible experience through a healing session with Maori healers from New Zealand.  A friend of mine had told me about them and that they would be coming to Los Angeles, which they only do once a year.  I saw a video of their work and got a very loud and clear “Hell yes!” From my own intuition.

When I mentioned it to several people in my life who I hold in extremely high esteem in the areas of health and wellness and healing, several of them mentioned to me that they were known for being very painful in how they do their bodywork and that they weren’t interested. I was still getting “Hell yes!”

So having held firm to my own inner GPS, I showed up and had one of the most powerful experiences I’ve EVER had with healers.  The bodywork that this big Maori guy did on me, literally turned me totally on.  Every bit of energy that I perceived was always available in my body but lying dormant through many reasons; modern life, unresolved childhood issues, fear, self-doubt, judgment of others, judgment of self, negative patterns acquired through life’s painful experiences,  and the list goes on.   But suddenly there was so much energy coming out of my body — out of my hands and different parts of my body that I was astounded. I felt like a nuclear reactor, and the more he worked on me, the more energy started to come out.  I was like a live wire, buzzing, vibrating.

As I lay there on the table I realized that what he had done was totally and completely turn me on.  The real me without any blocks to my own energy.  Every bit of Gina Cloud was now fully available. It was like a dam of energy had been unleashed.  And wow! it was an almost frightening experience as I processed the reality of what is available and how little of it is actually used.

At one point, I literally said to him, “oh my God, what am I supposed to do with all this?”

I started to think about how this is true for all of us. And that we all need to get REALLY turned on.

I thought if this was so easily accessible, how do we turn ourselves off and why?

What came to me was the realization that many people listen to  external sources when they want to do something.  Remember how I mentioned that I shared my interest in the Maori healers with several friends who had negative responses?   A lot of us will take that feedback from others and ignore our own inner guidance that has already directed us that this is something we should do, whatever it is in our life. Somewhere along the way, we decide that others know better than we do, and it’s not even a conscious thought.

When we don’t listen to that first whisper, that first inner guidance, it is the moment we begin to betray ourselves, turning ourselves off instead of on.  Little by little, our batteries die.

I’m not saying that you have to go and have a healing session with the Maori in order to have yourself fully turned on.  That was MY vehicle for this realization.  Each of us is different.  What I understood in the moment was that getting totally turned on is something you can do any time you want to.  It’s a choice. It’s about really, truly, deeply listening to and honoring your own inner wisdom.  That inner voice is your personal navigation system.

But how do you do that?   Simply, you have to practice using it. It’s available to each and every one of us constantly.  We have learned to allow all the external noise (especially the media) and mind numbing experiences around us to silence this voice, one which is very clear within us as children.    Society, our parents, other kids, school, religion, and many other ideologies we bump into in our lives teach us not to trust what we know is our truth.  That feeling of self-betrayal makes us feel numb, dead inside, and we are slowly but surely turned off.

I invite you to start to become aware of when you feel really driven to do something, to experience something, even the smallest thing. I find this voice to be especially important to listen to when it comes through in an incongruent way, or out of thin air, not related to what you’re doing in the moment or thinking about.  Illogical in a sense.   That’s always my cue that its wish is my command.

I have cultivated a deep and abiding trust in the voice within me that’s here to do my work in service to all of you and to myself — to myself first, otherwise I would not be able to share it with you. We all need to live this way, making our lives self-centered, as in centered in yourself.

Here’s the part that’s harder for everyone: when you share your ideas with other people and they either try to throw water on it or talk you out of it or make you think it’s silly or outrageous or ridiculous or ( you fill in the adjective), and then we take that outer input and we use it to shut down what we already KNOW is our truth. That is how we start to turn ourselves off.

This becomes a way of life, day after day, year after year, looking and listening for other people to validate us, and if they don’t, we say no to what we want to do, be or have.  This is death.  We become walking corpses, and life just sucks.

Another interesting thing that I realized as I got home and was processing my experience, was that all of these places on my body where I was feeling so much energy I realized were the chakra centers.  Now I know that feels new-agey to some people, but understand that I have always been a skeptical believer and need proof of things. I wasn’t lying there thinking” wow, my chakras are being activated!”

It wasn’t until later that I realized the places where I was actually feeling this concentration of energy were what is known as the chakra system. The ancient yogis have spoken and written about these energy centers in our bodies for more than 5,000 years and, yes, it is popularized in New Age philosophies, but these energy centers do exist in our bodies.  And given the fact that I was not even thinking about it, the skeptical believer was like “wow, that’s for real!”

Now, I have had some deep healing experiences before, having done yoga many years and lots of spiritual quests in the realm of the New Age, but these days I want to be able to experience my life in the practical and not just in the theoretical or the spiritual.  So believe me when I say, you can have this experience as well.  All you have to do is listen, trust and act on your own inner guidance.

I will say that when your energy centers  are really turned on fully, sexual experiences with someone else who is also totally turned on are one of the greatest gifts you can be given in your life.   I can tell you personally that when you are truly turned on from the inside out with someone else who is turned on from the inside out and  you turn each other on sexually, there’s nothing else like it!! It’s the closest thing to otherworldly most of us will ever experience.  And for me, this is another reason why sex is never casual.  Anything that can produce and unleash that much energy and pleasure between two people deserves respect.

So do you want to be really turned on? Live YOU, be YOU, love YOU, don’t betray yourself  by listening to other people’s voices and ideas and placing them ahead of what you know already.   There is only one version of YOU.  No one, no matter how wise or wonderful they are, can really make a choice for you.  Even in my coaching with people, or those that come to me constantly for advice, I give them my two cents, and then I say to them “But I’m not you, so if that doesn’t feel true to you, honor the voice within you.”

Just because someone is an “authority” or has a website or posts information on the Internet, doesn’t mean it’s true FOR YOU. You already KNOW what is true when you listen from within. We must remember that whatever we find in the mainstream media that is intended for the masses is primarily designed to manipulate our minds, our money and our psyches.  It all becomes a distraction away from our own inner guidance, creativity and self-generated thought.  Everything we are becoming is as a result of mostly externally generated ideas, thoughts, feelings, and visual input.  It’s making us robotic, and incredibly fearful.  Fear is the opposite of love.

When we live fully turned on we cultivate within us the capacity to recognize this manipulation both subliminally and overtly and to choose a different course than that which we are being steered to as sheeple.  We have to stop allowing race, religion, politics and any number of the other thousands of issues that cause us to take a position that creates a constant polarity that keeps a separate.  Even the very important issues that are in the mainstream still distract us from our own interiors.  And while they are truly important, it seems they generate conflict among us, instead of unification.  We have to awaken to the realization that this is intentional. We have to turn ourselves on fully so that we can become part of the evolution and revolution of our own species, and it always begins with ourselves first.

So LISTEN TO YOU, moment by moment, honor that.  The more you do it, the stronger it gets, the more you learn to trust it, and the more turned on you get. When you are really turned on, you are incredibly magnetic and you will draw the very things you desire into your world, be they things, people, money or love.  Not to mention how amazingly radiant you actually look.  I know this experience personally when I’m truly aligned with living who I am.

So ask yourself, when was the last time you listened to yourself without needing approval or validation from outside?  Can you hear that inner wisdom clearly?  If so, do you ignore it or act on it?

If you can’t hear it at all, you can begin to cultivate a relationship with it by unplugging from technology and other people, sitting quietly, especially in nature somewhere.  It is always easiest to hear in silence.  (For me and many, meditation is one way of doing this). If you do this daily, you’ll start to feel a connection, slowly but surely, to a part of you that will likely remind you of some aspect of when you were a child, a feeling of creativity and clarity.  And joy.  When you act on the guidance you receive, you’ll start to really feel alive– turned on.

There is a power source within all of us.  Every human being is here to shine brightly, joyfully, powerfully.  And only YOU can really turn you on. 

If you’re new to GinaCology, welcome. If you’re one of my tribe already, thank you for your support.  And to all of you, I truly hope that what I share, teach, live and give makes a difference in your life, in some way big or small.

If that voice inside you nudges you to share this post, you know what to do. 

With much love,

Gina Cloud